Updating Your Website To PHP 7.3

Updating your website to PHP 7.3 has many advantages. Your site will benefit from instant performance improvements, with better and tighter security.
PHP is one of the most common scripting languages among developers. 80% of websites are developed using PHP coding. Before upgrading it is advisable to check with your hosting company that the server has PHP 7.3 installed. Professional hosting companies will take the initiative, your hosting control panel will be upgrade ready, but do check first. This will avoid potential issues you could face with the working and features of a website.
Compatibility of Plugins should be checked and individually update if required Some hosting companies with large numbers of hosting accounts, require a request from the client to upgrade. Different to JavaScript, which adjusts the HTML in the browser. PHP works in advance of the HTML, to give more control of web page design.
When a new version of PHP is released it is supported for two years with security upgrades and bug fixes. Higher versions of PHP can enhance SEO ranking so well worth looking at the possibilities of an upgrade.